In 1st Quarter, ELA I learned that many things that I haven't or forgotten in 7th grade. For example Vocabulary. When I started 8th grade vocabulary ELA, I didn't remember the words and some were already given to me in 7th grade. So when the class was taking a Vocabulary test I started off in a bad position but on the other tests I gotten better by the day. So every week I learned different words, and could use those words in the future. To help with studying the words Mrs. Larson, my 8th grade ELA teacher taught the class a Frayer Model. Which helps us learn the word and to also teach us what it means. We also use it for Prefixes, which help us learn new words with that prefix and also what it means.
One new thing I learned in ELA 8th grade is how to do a news story. This was my favorite part because I had the experience to be a newscaster. This helped me because in the future I would probably need to do this when i'm in High School. What I also liked about this learning subject is that we got to go outside and observe things that are not usually there, like what observers and Newscasters do.
Another new thing in ELA 8th grade Is, I learned what is a Blog and how it works. I also liked this part of ELA because it was interesting and we didn't have to write it in our notebooks. It was new to me because i never used the blog on google. Another new thing In ELA was a website called Edmodo. I liked this website because it helps me find out what we have for homework if I forget.

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