Friday, May 26, 2017

This I believe speech

“Losing Someone Important”
By: Selena Guerrero

          My family is the most important thing to me. They support me, they make my not so good days to really great days. I love my family, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, I love them all equally. But the most tragic part of having and knowing someone you're whole life, is losing them, forever. Or even if you haven't met them. I believe that once you lose someone very important to you, you will always have those that are closest to you, to keep your head up high.

          I believe that you have to have  people on your side and to help you through the tough things in life. One night, I was with my mom and brother, my brother and I were at Karate class, and after the class finished my mom got a phone call. It was my dad and he seemed so upset when I heard his voice. And I just knew of what my dad about to tell us. His exact words were, “Pa juan (which was my grandpa) passed away.” His voice was like he was about to cry. My mom, her reaction was, to me, like someone just punched me in the stomach. I fell and started crying with my mother and brother. And the most heartbreaking thing was that we weren't even there for when it happened. We also couldn't go to his funeral. It was late and my mom was heartbroken about the news, so she couldn't drive. So my Other brother, Julian came and picked us up with my dad.

          After that we were having a family gathering and everybody was hugging each other and talking with each other. But knowing me, I couldn't let go of what had happen.  I was shutting myself in from anyone that tried helping me. I would keep telling myself to “keep it together.”gf But Knowing me,  I would hide from people so they won't see me cry. Everyday I had to struggle with this pain I had. But luckily I broke from that shell, when one of my cousins actually made me laugh. It was actually her laugh that made me laugh. Then everybody just started to laugh with us. I still can remember that joy I felt that I didn't have for the past weeks. It was hard for me. But I had my family to keep me in track and make me happy again.

This is why I believe that family is the most important thing.

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